Transform Your Energy, Transform Your Life with Astral Remedy

Characteristics and signification of zodiac signs or rashi in astrology

Name Sanskrit name Ruler Nature Gender Element Direction Caste Colour
Aries Mesha Mars Moveable Male Fire East Kshatri Red
Taurus Vrishaba Venus Fixed Female Earth South Vaishya White
Gemini Mithuna Mercury Common Male Air West Shudra Parrot Green
Cancer Karkata Moon Moveable Female Water North Brahmin Pink
Leo Simha Sun Fixed Male Fire East Kshatri Pale White
Virgo Kanya Mercury Common Female Earth South Vaishya Piebald
Libra Tula Venus Moveable Male Air West Shudra Black or Variegated
Scorpio Vrishchika Mars Fixed Female Water North Brahmin Golden
Sagittarius Dhanus Jupiter Common Male Fire East Kshatri Yellowish or Brown
Capricorn Makara Saturn Moveable Female Earth South Vaishya Royal  Blue
Aquarius Kumbha Saturn Fixed Male Air West Shudra Deep Brown
Pisces Meena Jupiter Common Female Water North Brahmin White


Lean, thin, muscular body, Rash, violent, ambitious, independent, changes in residence, struggles, travels, few children, early marriage, prone to injuries, accidents, lose money through impulsive actions, does not accumulate wealth, frank in love, practical views, dominant, emotional, impatient, aggressive, fiery nature,

Head, brain, face, upper jaw, eyes,

Epilepsy, headaches, vertigo, fire accidents, teeth

Army, Defence, surgeons, chemist, police, law, iron and steel, machines, factories, sports goods, industry


Plumpy, dark hair, well developed body, robust, super health, preserving, obstinate, ambitious of power, slow but steady, patient, domestic, secretive, lover of arts, nature, beauty; fond of comforts, opposite sex; slow recovery from illness, saving nature, gambling, materialistic, loyal in love, care for partner, peace-loving, sometimes selfish and vindictive

Neck, throat, palate, lower jaw, larynx, tonsils

Apoplexy, neck diseases, glandular problems, goitre, diphtheria, tonsillitis.

Any business in finance, agriculture, music, pleasure resorts, cinema, actors, film producers, transport, Income-Tax, ladies’ clubs, schools, fashion and beauty parlours, dealers in ladies’ garments, beauty items


Tall, slender, visible veins, grey eyes, quick-witted, shy, fond of music, dance, drawing, painting, travel; lack concentration, argumentative, always engaged in more than one pursuits. diversity in all spheres, good advisor, energetic, ingenuous, changes in life, influenced by opposite sex, disagreement with father, troubles from children, fault-finding nature, hasty to know the results of his efforts, wants short-cuts, short travels, females want to be mental companions, cannot remain idle – mentally or physically, males want yes-wives, flirting nature

Arms, hands, shoulders,ears, lungs, nerves, thymus gland

Asthma, bronchitis, colds, arms fractures, pleurisy, pneumonia, TB, respiratory problems

usinessman, secretary, advocate, journalist, travelling agents, income from more than one resources


Stout, average height, awkward appearance, rolling gait, fond of changes, novelty; fickle-minded, fertile imagination, love intensely, fragile health, sacrifice for their children, honest in finance, not extravagant, ups and downs, wealth through own labour, monotonous life for romance, lacking in expression, settled family life, sentimental, anger comes and goes, devoted to wives, want homely girls, interfere in routine household matters, females good mothers, stubborn and moody, if ignored

Breast area, stomach, pancreas

Coughs, cancer disease, stomach problems, dropsy, diseases connected with water

Business in things connected with water, conches, pearls, fish, sailors, Navy, submarine, shipping, import/export, restaurant, caterer, travels, transport, contractors, irrigation department


Broad shoulders, large bones, muscles; ruddy complexion, thin waist, wavy hair, baldness in old age, ambitious, generous, warm-hearted, fearless, harsh temperament, strong-willed, helpful to mankind, organising powers, constructive, inventive, forget others mistakes, very hopeful, boasting, domineering, commanding, leader, short outbursts of temper, brave, loyal in love, hasty, good health, less money with age, success in gambling / speculation, ruler, authoritative, fiery in passion, fond of opposite sex, love children, females should not doubt husbands for this, extroverts, force their desires on others

Heart, upper abdomen, aorta, coronaries

Liver, fevers, cardiac problems, lumbago, palpitations, spinal problems

High position in commerce, Govt; executive jobs, managers of big concerns, corporations, director, captain


Tall, slender, dark hair, never pot-belly, appear younger than age, mental abilities, methodical, critical, lacking self-confidence, intuitive, analytical thinker, conservative, modest, changes in residence, commercial instinct, has an eye for details, speculative, diplomatic, unsuccessful in love, fault-finding, rarely passionate, limited progeny, careful in money matters, postpone marriage, conservative, modest, hard taskmaster

Appendix, bowels, spleen, intestines

Appendicitis, digestive disorders, constipation, colic, deafness, dysentery, diarrhoea

Brokers, accountants, lawyers, journalists, engineers, surgeons, works connected with liquid, ITO, examiners, auditor, inspector, success in earth and its products


Tall, slender but stout with age, brownish black hair, well formed body, good features, good looking, graceful, fond of dress, perfumes, art and music, opposite sex, comforts; courteous, hospitable, imaginative, cheerful, just, sexy, passionate, affectionate, charming manners, extravagant, expert in love affairs, tend to adjust in married life, passions rise and die quickly, limited children.

Kidneys, distillation, urinary track, spine

Urinary disorders, kidney stones, skin diseases

Govt servants, officers, public life, in liquid items, chemists, electric engineers, transport, Navy, painters, writers, musicians, actors, playback singers, architects, good salesmen


Long hands, average stature, broad face, well-proportioned body, tendency to become stout, quick, keen, shrewd, penetrating mind, not easily influenced, courageous, sarcastic, practical, interested in occult, chemical research, mystery, intuitive, resourceful, constructive and destructive abilities, economical, unyielding, cunning, revengeful, cannot save, cannot be subjugated, cannot withstand criticism, at best in odds, reserved, cannot remain idle, gain through speculation, lucky in getting money, vehicles, wife, business, house, garden, extravagant, provide comforts to wives, females know how to please their husbands,

Secret parts, pelvic region, bladder, rectum, anus

Back pains, piles, stones in bladder, sex diseases, urinary diseases

Chemistry, medicines, insurance, maternity departments, detectives, iron and steel works, military, naval, surgeon


Well-developed body, tall, slender, bushy eyebrows, brown hair, hazel eyes, generous, bold, good-hearted, charitable, fond of travelling, outdoor sports, exercises, outspoken, prophetic, intuition, respectful to law and order, customs,

religion, aggressive, higher education, gains without pains, interested in outdoor life, get good wife, females do not interfere in their husbands’ works, helpful to them, attached with educational institutions, independent,

Hips, thighs, joint dislocation, lungs, nerves

Nervous complaints, paralysis, rheumatic pains, varicose veins, wounds, skin, hair falling

Teacher, preacher, public speaker, bank employee, with religious and educational institutions, editing and publishing, company law, civil engineering, foreign assignments


Long nose, thick neck, long chin, dark hair, not handsome, short in early age, but grow tall suddenly after 16 years, hunchbacked with age, defective walk, economical, prudent, calculative, businesslike, secretive, changeable, methodical, good organiser, patience, steady, serious, contemplative nature, hard worker, self-reliant, either very honest or most dishonest, selfish, work hard even in the face of obstacles, careful in money, unemotional, slow & cautious in approaching opposite sex, undemonstrative in love,

Joints, knee caps, skin

Colds, skin diseases, leprosy, hysteria, gout

If aspected by benefic Moon, business of kerosene oil, land, animals, irrigation, agriculturist; If aspected by Mars, engineer, cement, manufacturer, lawyer, brick-kiln owner; If by Mercury, engineer, deep thinker, dealer in scientific instruments, crystal grazing; If by Jupiter, physician, scientist, gain through large companies, clubs and societies, land and mines, long term contracts; If by Venus, chemical, leader, hides, cosmetics, beauty items, etc.


Well-developed body, tall, slender, bushy eyebrows, brown hair, hazel eyes, generous, bold, good-hearted, charitable, fond of travelling, outdoor sports, exercises, outspoken, prophetic, intuition, respectful to law and order, customs,

religion, aggressive, higher education, gains without pains, interested in outdoor life, get good wife, females do not interfere in their husbands’ works, helpful to them, attached with educational institutions, independent,

Hips, thighs, joint dislocation, lungs, nerves

Nervous complaints, paralysis, rheumatic pains, varicose veins, wounds, skin, hair falling

Teacher, preacher, public speaker, bank employee, with religious and educational institutions, editing and publishing, company law, civil engineering, foreign assignments


stature, plump, short limbs, fleshy, pale, double chin, round shoulders, protruding eyes, soft hair, versatile, good-natured, emotional, philosophical, loving, lack in self-confidence, timid, cannot be steady, influenced by new ideas, polite, indecisive, over liberal, rely friends, suspicious but loyal in love, addicted to drinks, like flattery, happy married life, affectionate, good business ability, give loans, save for old age, do not like to be dependent on children, cannot concentrate, females cannot be steady in their love, hard worker,

Feet, toes, lungs

Digestive disorders, alcoholism, contagious diseases, tumours, TB, nervous disorders

Poets, musicians, planning commission, painters, nurses, caterers, teachers, accountants, bankers, actors, liaison, cinema, occult science, Managing Director,

Chairman, Navy, shipping, dealers in drinks, oils, beverages, cosmetics, chemicals, medical, education

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