Ratio of Length & Width of structure
Difference between depth and width should not be more than twice of each other, which means for rectangular plot depth of plot can be maximum upto double of width or vice-versa. Best structure for living is square shaped.
NE-SW (northeast-southwest) diagonal should be bigger than NW-SE diagonal.
Extention & Cuts in layout of structure
If emerging portion length is greater than half of the length of plot than it has to be considered as extention. Same has to be applied for cuts in layout, if from centre of house the portion ends within the half radius of house than it is a Cut in Vastu zone.
T junction point in front of main door
If road comes to an end point at the main door of the house. It is not considered unfavourable, as all the negativity will come to the house.
Gau Mukhi & Sher Mukhi
If width of the front is slightly smaller than width on back of structure of plot, or say if the structure broadens as it goes backward portion. This is known as Gau Mukhi.
It is said to be auspicious for living. However, there should many other factors to be considered;
Facing of the plot, if it is south or west facing than it has lesser chances of being positive. Extension of side walls should be more towards east or north facing.
If width of the back portion is slightly smaller than width on front of structure of plot, or say if the structure narrows as it goes backward portion. This is known as Sher Mukhi.
It is more auspicious for commercial purpose.
Distance between depth or width should maintain the adequate ratio of length.