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what is chakra, chakras in human body.

Secret of Chakra activation, Energizing the Inactive Chakra

How does chakra activation works Firstly there is no such thing like activating chakra, chakras are already activated and in working state but it could be energized. If chakras will get stopped working there will be severe damage and organ failure in body. However it could have blockages and weakness, from several thousands of meredians

Secret of Chakra activation, Energizing the Inactive Chakra Read More »

Chakras in human body, true science behind chakras

Does Chakra with colors, symbols and shapes, or mystical powers really exist. What is Chakra? Everything in the body triggers, connects and function each other using bio-electric current in the meridian know as neuro-transmitter. This current is generated by manifesting spirit and kundalini shakti (soul & sperpent energy) and than its accumulated in chakras. After

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