Vastu Shastra

Remedy and Direction of Kitchen & Dining in Vastu Shastra

According to Agnee puran, it says kitchen must be in sourth-east corner of house and dining should be in west direction of house. Eating food in west of house helps in eating with patience, concentration and eases complete breakdown of food. Other concept for kitchen in SE direction, Vastu Shastra teaches us about the directions …

Remedy and Direction of Kitchen & Dining in Vastu Shastra Read More »

Symptom, Cause & Remedy for Negative Energy in Home or Office

We need to assess precisely where is the real and actual source of negativity. Without knowing the actual cause, solution to it is not possible. Most of the times there is no conscious evil spirit or black magic but instead there is just the false thought of negative energy. If there is such a presence …

Symptom, Cause & Remedy for Negative Energy in Home or Office Read More »

Structure of plot or shape in Vastu. L shaped, cuts, gau or sher mukhi

Ratio of Length & Width of structure Difference between depth and width should not be more than twice of each other, which means for rectangular plot depth of plot can be maximum upto double of width or vice-versa. Best structure for living is square shaped. NE-SW (northeast-southwest) diagonal should be bigger than NW-SE diagonal. Extention …

Structure of plot or shape in Vastu. L shaped, cuts, gau or sher mukhi Read More »

Direction of main door entrance for home & office in Vastu

Generally, a popular belief is there that East & North entrances are the only positive directions for main entrances and South or West should be avoided for entrance or facing of house. However, this is not completely true, every direction in Vastu can have positive entrances or facing. Partially we can find south or west …

Direction of main door entrance for home & office in Vastu Read More »

Toilet direction & position as per Vastu, Remedy of toilet in Vastu

In ancient times there was no provision of toilet in the house. When Indian vedic vastu was being written, nobody uses toilet at home, at that time people used to travel at distance from their house to defecate, then how there will be any mention of toilet in Vastu Shastra. There is no such text …

Toilet direction & position as per Vastu, Remedy of toilet in Vastu Read More »

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