Transform Your Energy, Transform Your Life with Astral Remedy


Some rules for interpretation of kundli birth chart, considerations while analyzing horoscope in vedic jyotish

A strong planet strengthens the house it owns and weak planet weakens the owned house. Planet aspecting its own house strengthen it. If Planet aspecting its one of the two sign, than its another sign is also strengthened. Ex: Jupiter if aspects pisces than its another sign sagitarius also gets strength. Irrespective of the planet […]

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How to read janam kundli ( horoscope or birth chart) in Vedic Astrology, assessing and predicting

Everything in life is energy, our body constitutes of energy. This energy is rays of planets we are getting. In reading a horoscope only strength of energy has to be checked, whether energy is full or deficient. Deficient and weak energy creates evil and negative results in life, faliures, health problems and sorrows. While full

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Learn astrology basics, jyotish shastra (part2)

Type of signification planet has: natural and functional Natural nature of planet is its actual nature it owns. But functional nature is nature planet gets from the ownership of certain house of horoscope. Ex: House for wealth in horoscope is 2nd house. Karka (significator) planet for 2nd house is Jupiter hence its natural significator for

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Learn astrology basics, Jyotish shastra

Some basic parameters that must be learned for predicting horoscope Lord of the week days Sunday                                 Sun Monday                               Moon Tuesday                               Mars Wednesday                        Mercury Thursday                             Jupiter Friday                                    Venus Saturday                              Saturn Categorization of Houses 1. Kendras (1st, 4th,7th,10th are Quadrants) – The Lagna, the fourth, seventh and the tenth houses from the lagna are called kendras and

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Raj Yoga by Rahu and Ketu. How rahu ketu creates rajyoga in astrology

Understand the karmic nature of Rahu Ketu i.e; planets signifying previous birth and upcoming goals of this birth, being karmic planets they hold the power of maya (illusion) and fruits of previous birth. Ketu holds the results of previous birth, it signifies past life karma. And Rahu signifies upcoming goals and direction of karma of

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How to judge and predict results of rahu and ketu in horoscope

Basic four rules one must undertand about Rahu and Ketu are You need to be clear about sign owned by rahu and ketu, Different texts gives conflicting views on it. Rahu owns aquarius and Ketu owns scorpio. I am not commenting on its exaltion sign, as per my experience these planets gives results of aquarius

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Secret of Chakra activation, Energizing the Inactive Chakra

How does chakra activation works Firstly there is no such thing like activating chakra, chakras are already activated and in working state but it could be energized. If chakras will get stopped working there will be severe damage and organ failure in body. However it could have blockages and weakness, from several thousands of meredians

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Activate 7 chakra by practicing Yoga postures

Practicing yoga asana postures helps balancing and activating chakra. Many spiritual seekers and practitioners performed extensive ancient yoga to enlighten and master spiritual energy, who was not able to achieve deep meditative state. Experiencing the patience and divine presence of self during yoga postures clears out the sub conscious negative energy which in turn generates

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Chakras in human body, true science behind chakras

Does Chakra with colors, symbols and shapes, or mystical powers really exist. What is Chakra? Everything in the body triggers, connects and function each other using bio-electric current in the meridian know as neuro-transmitter. This current is generated by manifesting spirit and kundalini shakti (soul & sperpent energy) and than its accumulated in chakras. After

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