Transform Your Energy, Transform Your Life with Astral Remedy


Heal your life with easy vedic & scientific remedy. Remedy for astrology, aura, chakra & vastu

Gemstone, mantra & remedy for depression and mental illness in astrology

Blue Sapphire (Neelam) Neelam is extremely helpful for sadness, dullness and nervous weakness. If feeling low liveliness than Neelam can prove beneficial for you. Opal In cases studies of Illusionary vision, psychic disorders, schizophrenia, insanity gemstone diamond has proven extremely beneficial. One should avoid pearl (moti) and emerald (panna); Why? Thereis ageneral myth of wearing […]

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Remedy and Direction of Kitchen & Dining in Vastu Shastra

According to Agnee puran, it says kitchen must be in sourth-east corner of house and dining should be in west direction of house. Eating food in west of house helps in eating with patience, concentration and eases complete breakdown of food. Other concept for kitchen in SE direction, Vastu Shastra teaches us about the directions

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Ancient vedic remedy to appease 9 planets by Rishi Parashar

Chapter 86 in Brihat Parashar Hora shastra, Parashar has described the remedial measures for the appeasement of malevolent planets. These vedic remedies will give complete cure to problems as it will completely nature the nature of planet, instead of short time benefits like other remedies. When Sage Parashara was asked for remedies, he replied; I

Ancient vedic remedy to appease 9 planets by Rishi Parashar Read More »

Astrology & Remedy for nazar dosha, tantra (black magic) & evil spirit

Rahu signifies nazar dosha, negative energy from environment (हाय, हवा or बाधा ) Ketu signifies evil spirit, bandhan, black magic (tantra) Saturn signifies pitra (anscestors) What is Nazar dosha or हाय, हवा or बाधा ; Thoughts are converted into waves and energy, this energy impacts the concerned person. Negative emotions and intentions carry the nature

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Toilet direction & position as per Vastu, Remedy of toilet in Vastu

In ancient times there was no provision of toilet in the house. When Indian vedic vastu was being written, nobody uses toilet at home, at that time people used to travel at distance from their house to defecate, then how there will be any mention of toilet in Vastu Shastra. There is no such text

Toilet direction & position as per Vastu, Remedy of toilet in Vastu Read More »

Activate 7 chakra by practicing Yoga postures

Practicing yoga asana postures helps balancing and activating chakra. Many spiritual seekers and practitioners performed extensive ancient yoga to enlighten and master spiritual energy, who was not able to achieve deep meditative state. Experiencing the patience and divine presence of self during yoga postures clears out the sub conscious negative energy which in turn generates

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